Raimond Winslow, PHD

Raj and Neera Singh Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Director, Institute for Computational Medicine; Director, Center for Cardiovascular Bioinformatics and Modeling

Specialization: Computational and mathematical modeling of excitable cells, calcium signaling


Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering

3400 N. Charles Street

Hackerman Hall 208C

Baltimore, MD 21218



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My research is directed at understanding all aspects of calcium signaling in excitable cells through development and analysis of experimentally-based mechanistic computational models.

This includes: function of voltage-gated calcium channels, calcium-activated channels such as ryanodine receptors, IP3 receptors, and SK channels; excitation-contraction coupling in muscle cells; calcium regulation of mitochondrial function; calcium-activated signal transduction pathways including CaMKII and PKA pathways; calcium regulation of gene expression. Our focus in neuroscience is on understanding the signal processing performed at cisternal-synapses. This name refers to the fact that these synapses are characterized by the close opposition (separated by ~ 10 nm) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane to the post-synaptic membrane. The cisternal membrane typically incorporates calcium-activated calcium-release channels such as ryanodine receptors that are near various types of calcium channels in the post-synaptic membrane. The latter serve as a calcium trigger flux, the former provide a calcium release flux. The function of the c-synapse is unknown, and we are studying this function in c-synapses formed by efferent fibers on cochlear outer hair cells. We are also interested in all aspects of single neuron modeling and dendritic signal processing, particularly processes mediated by calcium signaling.
