Michael Miller Named Director of Biomedical Engineering

Michael Miller, Ph.D., has been selected as the next director of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, effective July 1, 2017.

Micheal Miller received his master’s and doctorate degrees in biomedical engineering from Johns Hopkins. He joined the faculty at Washington University in St. Louis, where he rose to be a chaired professor while developing an international reputation in computational science and imaging. 

He was recruited back to Johns Hopkins as a professor of biomedical engineering in 1998, and ever since he has been a leader in the department and university, where he has held the Herschel and Ruth Seder Chair in Biomedical Engineering. 

Miller is the director of the Center for Imaging Science in the Whiting School of Engineering. The center is focused on establishing worldwide analytical models for image and pattern understanding. Most prominently, this has been manifested through the creation of a cloud-based library of brain MRIs.  

The author of more than 300 manuscripts and two textbooks, Miller is an international leader in medical imaging and brain mapping, having pioneered the field of computational anatomy as a modern theory of human anatomical shape and form. He is a Gilman Scholar within Johns Hopkins University and is the co-director of the Kavli Neuroscience Discovery Institute, along with Rick Huganir of the Department of Neuroscience.

In a letter to Johns Hopkins colleagues, Paul B. Rothman, M.D., dean of the medical faculty and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine, and Ed Schlesinger, Benjamin T. Rome Dean of the Whiting School of Engineering, said: "Mike is a creative and passionate advocate for the department and university, and we are extremely excited to name him as the next director of the Department of Biomedical Engineering."

 Original Johns Hopkins Medicine press release can be viewed here.

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