Susumu Mori, PHD

Professor for Radiology and Radiological Science; Director, Center for Brain Imaging Science

Specialization: Medical Imaging Analysis and Informatics


Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

720 Rutland Avenue

Traylor 330

Baltimore, MD 21205


More Info

Our lab is focusing on analyzing a large scale data of brain MRI through our high-throughput image-indexing technology.

From the shape, intensity, and connectivity information, important features that are related to certain brain functions and pathological conditions are extracted. The deployment of this technology in our cloud computation platform now supports processing of more than 4,000 MR images each month, submitted from throughout the world. The current focus of our studies include Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, primary progressive aphasia, stroke, and various types of pediatric diseases. We are also linking our technologies to the workflow of radiological diagnosis to evaluate efficacy of computer-assisted diagnosis.
