Hey-Kyoung Lee, PHD

Professor of Neuroscience, Mind Brain Institute

Specialization: Cellular/Molecular mechanisms of cortical plasticity


Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

3400 N. Charles Street

Dunning Hall 348

Baltimore, MD 21218



Lee Lab

Experience leaves a lasting trace in the brain by modifying the efficacy of synaptic transmission between neurons. Such synaptic modifications occur throughout childhood to allow proper maturation of the brain in tune with the environment. And the same mechanisms ensure acquisition and storage of memory throughout life.

Therefore, a fundamental question in neuroscience is to understand how experience alters synapses in the brain. The Lee lab tackles this question using multidisciplinary approaches combining electrophysiological, molecular/biochemical, imaging, and optogenetic methods to study the changes that occur at synapses when a sensory modality is lost. Furthermore, we have been applying the current knowledge on the biological basis of synaptic plasticity to devise ways to treat memory disorders, especially the Alzheimer’s disease, which begins as a loss in the ability to form new memories. 

Link to a video is here:


Link to an NPR coverage of my research is here:

