Jiali Xiong

PI: Mark Wu, PhD  Department of Neurology
Co PI: Patricia Janak,PhD  Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Title: Investigating the identity and function of mWAKE-positive neurons in the central amygdala

Animals exhibit 24-hour daily rhythms regulated by the Transcription-Translational Feedback Loop (TTFL) and downstream clock-output molecules. However, our understanding of how local clock-output molecules influence context-dependent behaviors, including fear learning, is currently limited. In my project, I aim to investigate the regulatory role of one clock-output molecule, mWAKE, in the central amygdala. By utilizing different mouse transgenic lines and genetic manipulations, I have uncovered the genetic identity and projection patterns of these mWAKE-positive neurons in the central amygdala. Additionally, my behavioral data have demonstrated the involvement of mWAKE in fear learning tasks.
